Sunday 25 October 2015

Video Recording Failure After Few Minutes After Boot

I searched the forum and couldn't find anyone with anything similar to this...

Using COS12.1 - yog4pas1n0
TWRP Installed
Xposed Installed
ColorOS Camera

Those are the biggest recent changes I've made to my OPO . But recently, the camera will fail for video recording only for all apps (Snapchat, Camera, Instagram, Whatsapp etc.)
I've rebooted a numerous times and always the same result, it'll work after boot (repeatedly) but then fail to work a few minutes after.

I've uninstalled all the Xposed Modules thinking one of them could be the issue
Ran a boot manager to run only the essentials, but still the same issue

I can still take photos but it's just the video recording

Any suggestions from anyone?

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